Phase 1 Truck Haul Update (3-22-24)

phase 1

The Phase 1 truck haul beach nourishment work will resume operations on Monday.  Trucks will enter Jenkins access and sand placement will occur just south of the Topsail Reef condos and work south towards Porpoise Place, approximately 500 ft.  This will be an upper beach nourishment (not dune).  While it is noted that the dunes in this area have sustained erosion this winter, the existing permit is for upper beach nourishment.  This upper beach material will act as a buffer for the dune system, and it will assimilate into the intertidal beach system, where it will have spreading benefits to adjacent shorelines to the south as well as the north.  We expect work to be completed in one week.  Thank you for your patience while we continue to place sand on the beach.